
This project is a starting point for any game that may need a system for placing objects or data on a tileable grid in an efficient way. The current system is abstract but flexible. “Tiles” do no exist unless they are being used, as such, “Tiles” are not a concept in this tileable system, instead, the system simply assigns ownership of 2d indices to object references. The system at its core is a two way dictionary that assigns a two dimensional index (usually a grid position) to a single owner of a generic type. This allows you to store game objects with overhead for calculating word space position or general data associated with that tile. This system has quick access and can support large maps without wasting resources on unused tiles. This demo is simple as it is meant to be used as a base and reference.



  • Click and drag for walls

  • Change grid preview to be less distracting

  • Sound effects

  • Gate (This will show off the ability to have large buildings, more than one tile, connect to walls. As is this should be possible, I just don’t have an asset to demonstrate it)

  • Update art style (I have a new art style in mind I would like all my personal projects to follow in the future)

  • Add UI for Q and E to rotate

  • Add camera bounds and build bounds

  • Add Middle mouse click to pan camera

  • Prevent edge pan when mouse exits screen


Wall Placement

Rotatable Buildings

Deleting Buildings